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Advantest - R9211 Series - 90 dB FFT Analyzers (1990).pdf
Advantest - R9211A - Digital Spectrum Analyzer (1989).pdf
Advantest - R9211B - FFT Servo Analyzer (1988).pdf
Advantest - R9211C - FFT Servo Analyzer (1989).pdf
Advantest - R9211E - Digital Spectrum Analyzer (1988).pdf
Advantest - R9211E - Digital Spectrum FFT Analyzer (1988).pdf
Ampex - Video and Audio Alignment Tapes for Optimum Equipment Performance (1986).pdf
Ariel SYSid- The Complete Acoustic Test Instrument.pdf
Audio Precision - AES Convention (2003) - Testing Challenges in Personal Computers Audio Devices.pdf
Audio Precision - AES International Conference (2005) - Measuring Distortion in Switching Amplifiers.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (1-1989) - Compact Disc Player Testing with Audio Precision System One.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (1a-1998) - Compact Disc Player Tests.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (1b-2001) - CD and DVD Testing for Audio Precision APWIN.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (2-1989)- SYS-127 Applications.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (2009) - Acoustic Response Measuring Speakers.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (2009) - Ultra-High Bandwidth Analysis.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (2016) - Headphone Electroacoustic Measurements.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (2018) - Loudspeaker Electroacoustic Measurements.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (3-1989) - Loudspeaker Testing with System One.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (5-2001) - Measurement Techniques for Digital Audio.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (Vol.5_1 - 02_1990) - DSP Report.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (Vol.5_2 - 02_1990) - FFT Analysis of Stereo Composite Signals.pdf
Audio Precision - Application Note (Vol.5_3 - 08_1990)- Measuring Power Amplifier Damping Factor.pdf
Audio Precision - Article (2002) - Digital Audio Measurements for Broadcast.pdf
Audio Precision - Audio Bandwidth Measurement in the Presence of Out-of-Band Noise.pdf
Audio Precision - Audio Measurement Handbook (2nd edition) - B. Metzler (2005).pdf
Audio Precision - Automotive Audio Amplifiers Testing (2019).pdf
Audio Precision - Fundamentals of Modern Audio Measurements.pdf
Audio Precision - Portable One (Depliant, 1990).pdf
Audio Precision - System One & DSP - System One Dual Domain (Depliant, 1989).pdf
Audio Precision - System One (Depliant, 1990).pdf
Audio Precision - Tech Note TN-104 (2007) - Introduction to the Six Basic Audio Measurements.pdf
Audio Precision - Tech Note TN-105 (2009) - FM Radio Receiver Testing with APx Audio Analyzers.pdf
Audio Precision - Tech Note TN-106 (2009) - Measuring Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR).pdf
Audio Precision - Tech Note TN-107 (2010) - Measuring the Sound Pressure Level of Portable Audio Player Headphones.pdf
Audio Precision - Tech Note TN-113 (2011) - Measuring Sound Pressure Level with APx.pdf
Audio Precision - Tech Note TN-120 (2016) - Smartphone Audio Test App 2.1 for Android.pdf
Audio Precision - White Paper (2003) - Measuring Switch-mode Power Amplifiers.pdf
Audio Precision - White Paper (2010) - How to Write (and Read) Audio Specifications.pdf
Audiomatica - Application Note AN-003 - Single Pass Measurement of Thiele and Small Parameters Using a Laser Transducer - D. Ponteggia.pdf
Audioscope - Audio Test Instruments Price List (1997).pdf
Audioscope 2813 - Audio Spectrum Analyzer.pdf
Audioscope 9000 - Audio Spectrum Analyzer & Multi-Test System.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - 3-Dimensional Acoustic Measurements using Gating Techniques (AN17-163 - 1977).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Analizzatore di segnali ad alta risoluzione model 2033.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - 1_n-octave Analysis using the Multichannel Analysis System Type 3550 (BO0364-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Active and Reactive Intensity Meas. using the 2-Channels Real-Time Freq. Anal. 2133 (BO0193-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - An introduction to modal testing (BO0172-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Analysis of Transient and Non-Stationary Signals using the R.T.F.A. 2123 and 2133 (BO0320-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Applications of the Real-time Frequency Analyzer Type 2143 (BO0339-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Audio Distortion Measurements (BO0385-12).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Automatic Quality Testing of Loudspeaker Electroacoustic Performance (BO0141-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Averaging Time of Measurements (11-138).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Calibration and Correction for Phase Mismatch of an Intensity Anal. Sys. by RFA 2133 (BO0194-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Choose your units! (BO0180-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Combination of Gating and Compression Techniques in Electroacoustic Measurements (18-061).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Determin. of Sound Power based on Sound Pressure Meas. by RFA`s 2123 & 2133 (BO0283-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Determination of the Thiele-Small Parameters Using Two-Channel FFT Analysis (BO0202-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Development of a hi-fi loudspeaker enclosure by using modal analysis (BO0243-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Dual Channel FFT Analysis for the Development and Evaluation of Tape Recorders (BO0096-12).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Evaluation of Studio Microphones Performance Using TDS Techniques (BO0075-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Formation of Tolerance Curves and Tolerance Testing using the RTFA 2123 and 2133 (BO0322-I1).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Hi-Fi Tests with 1_3 Octave, Pink weighted, Random Noise (13-101).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - HiFi Loudspeaker R&D using a Dual Channel FFT Analyzer (BO0239-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - How to Determine the Modal Parameters of Simple Structures (BO0177-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Impedance of Real and Artificial Ears (15-150).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Intensity Measurement using a Tape Recorder (BO0081-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Loudspeaker Phase Measurements, Transient Response and Audible Quality (17-198).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Meas. of Loudspeaker and Microphone Performance using 2-Channels FFT-Analysis (BO0102-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Meas. of Reverberation Time with the Single-Dual Channel RTA 2123-33 (BO0190-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Meas. the Non-Rigid Behaviour of a Loudspeaker Diaphragm using Modal Analysis (BO0327-I1).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Measurement of the Dynamic Properties of Materials and Structures (17-180).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Measurements in Cars using the RASTI Method (BO0244-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Measuring Speech Intelligibility Using DIRAC - Type 7841 (BO0506-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Microphone I.M. Distortion Meas. using the High Pressure Microphone Calibrator 4221 (083-80).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Mobility Measurements (BO0419-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Multichannel Acoustical Meas. using the Multichannel Analysis System Type 3550 (BO0387-I1).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Power Spectral Density Meas. with Constant Percentage Bandwidth Frequency Analyzers (11-141).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Practical use of the Hilbert transform (BO0173-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - RASTI Measurements - Demonstration of different applications (BO0123-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - RASTI Measurements in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London (BO0116-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Relevant Hi-Fi tests at home (14-114).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Reverberation Time (BO0228-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Room equalization - FFT in concert (BO0167-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Room Equalization using Bruel & Kjaer Dual-Channel Signal Analyzer Type 2032 (BO0165-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Scale model measurements with TDS using a microphone as a sound source (BO0014-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Sound Intensity and Modal Analysis (BO0199-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Sound Power Determ. from Sound Pressure-Intensity Meas. in a Semi-anechoic Room (BO0062).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Sound power determination using sound intensity measurements (BO0054).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Swept Measurements of Harmonic, Difference Frequency and Intermodulation Distortion (15-098).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - The Laser Velocity Transducer (BO0268-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - The Use of B&K Omnidirectional Microphones for Modern Recording (BO0101-12).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Tone Assessment using the 2260H Sound Level Analyzer (BO0499-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Application Note - Use of the High-Resolution Signal Analyzer 2033 with a Desktop Calculator (089-81).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Audible Effects of Mechanical Resonances in Turntables (AN17-233 - 1977).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Catalogo riassuntivo 1978.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Catalogo riassuntivo 1979.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Catalogo riassuntivo 1982.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Catalogo riassuntivo 1983.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Catalogo riassuntivo 1991.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Elaborazione del valore medio nelle misure elettroniche.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Electro Acoustic Free-Field Measurements in Ordinary Rooms (AN17-196 - 1976).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Electro Acoustic Measurements (AN16-035).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Electro Acoustic Measurements (summary) (AN13-064).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Flutter Compensation (Technical Review No.4-1982).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Introduction to Sound Quality (Lecture Note BA7609-13).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Multidimensional Audio (AN17-206 - 1977).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Portable Graphic Recorder model 2306.pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Pro Audio Forum - Percussion Instruments and the Briiel & Kjaer Series 4000 Professional Microphones (BO0140-11).pdf
Bruel & Kjaer - Relevant Loudspeakers Tests in Studios (AN17-197 - 1974).pdf
Costruzione di accessori per misure audio - Carichi fittizi, filtro pink noise, attenuatori a scatti in dB, invertitore RIAA.pdf
Federal Trade - Catalogo generale 1992.pdf
Fluke - Catalogo 1993-1994.pdf
Hameg - HM207-3 Oscilloscope - Instruction Manual.pdf
Hameg - HM207-3 Oscilloscope - Service Manual.pdf
Hameg - HM312-7 Oscilloscope - Manuale di istruzioni.pdf
Hameg - HM312-7 Oscilloscope - Service Manual.pdf
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Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN134 - Audio Frequency Measurements with the 8556A-8552B Spectrum Analyzer (1971).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN140-0 - Fourier Analyzer Training Manual (1972).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150 - Spectrum Analysis - Spectrum Analyzer Basics (04-1974).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-1 - Spectrum Analysis - Amplitude and Frequency Modulation (11-1971).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-10 - Spectrum Analysis - Field Strenght Measurement.pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-11 - Spectrum Analysis - Distortion Measurement (1976).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-12 - Spectrum Analysis - Using the HP 11517A External Mixer to 40 GHz (1977).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-13 - Using the HP 8565A Spectrum Analyzer from 2-18 GHz (1978).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-14 - Spectrum Analysis - Using External Waveguide Mixers Above 40 GHz (1978).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-2 - Spectrum Analysis - Pulsed RF (11-1971).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-3 - Swept Freq. Meas. and Selective Freq. Counting with a Track. Generator (02-1974).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-4 - Spectrum Analysis - Noise Measurements (04-1974).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-5 - Spectrum Analysis - CRT Photography and X-Y Recording Techniques (1973).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-6 - Spectrum Analysis - CATV Proof of Performance (1974).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-7 - Spectrum Analysis - Signal Enhancement (1975).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-8 - Spectrum Analysis - Accuracy Improvement (03-1976).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150-9 - Spectrum Analysys - Noise Figure Measurement.pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN150A - Spectrum Analysis - Using the 8558B Spectrum Analyzer (1973).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN187-4 - Configuration of a Two-Tone Sweeping Generator.pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN192 - Using a Narrow Band Analyzer for Characterizing Audio Products (10-1975).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN206-1 - Measuring Wide-Band Noise with the HP3045A Automatic Spectrum Analyzer.pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN213-1 - ITR-1 - Tape Dropouts (07-1976).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN214-3 - XY Rec. Not. N.3 - X-Y Recorder Input Conn. Config. and Input Noise (07-1977).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN214-4 - XY Rec. Not. N.4 - High-Sensitivity X-Y Recorder Has Few Input Restrictions (07-1977).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN24 - Pulse Modulation of Audio Oscillators.pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN245-1 - Signal Averaging with the HP3582A Spectrum Analyzer (1970~1980).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN245-2 - Meas. the Coherence Function with the HP3582A Spectrum Analyzer (1970~1980).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN245-3 - Third Octave Analysis with the HP3582A Spectrum Analyzer (1970~1980).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - Application Note AN89 - Magnetic Tape Recording Handbook (1967).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - HP 35665A - Acoustic Measurements Performance (Datasheet).pdf
Hewlett-Packard - HP 3569A - Real-time Frequency Analyzer (Datasheet).pdf
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Jung Jin - FM-AM Modulation Meter JMM-2200.pdf
Jung Jin - FM-AM Signal Generator JSG-1050A.pdf
Jung Jin - FM-AM Signal Generator JSG-1070A.pdf
Jung Jin - FM-AM Stereo Signal Generator JSG-1100B.pdf
Jung Jin - Test Loop JD-300, Adapters and Accessories.pdf
Kenwood - CD & R-DAT - Test & Measuring Instruments (1990).pdf
Kenwood - CD Write-Once Technology (04-1991).pdf
Kenwood - CD-R System DA-7000A CD Encoder & DD-7200A CD Writer (02-1992).pdf
Kenwood - Compact Disc - Test Instruments Catalog (10-1986).pdf
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Kenwood - Listino prezzi Strumenti di misura (1991-09).pdf
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Kenwood - Listino prezzi Strumenti di misura (1993-02).pdf
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Kenwood - Oscilloscopes - Test & Measuring Instruments (1992).pdf
Kenwood - Oscilloscopes - Test & Measuring Instruments (1994).pdf
Kenwood - Power Supplies - Test & Measuring Instruments (1994).pdf
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Marconi Instruments - The Microwave Test Revolution 6200 Series (1991).pdf
Meguro - Electronic Measuring Instruments - Short Form No.22 (06-1989).pdf
Michael Cox - Rumble Meter Type 218.pdf
Panasonic - VS-3321A - 2 Channel FFT Analyzer (1991).pdf
PCB Piezotronics - Acoustic Methods of Microphone Calibration (White Paper).pdf
PCB Piezotronics - Flow Induced Noise Reduction Techniques for Microphones in Low Speed Wind Tunnels (White Paper).pdf
PCB Piezotronics - Microphone_handbook.pdf
PCB Piezotronics - Monitoring Structural Dynamics with a Microphone (White Paper).pdf
PCB Piezotronics - Quantifying Acoustic Sources through Sound Power Measurements (White Paper).pdf
PCB Piezotronics - Using Probe Microph. for Nearfield Acoustic Holography Meas. of a Carbon Nanotube Speaker (White Paper).pdf
Philips - Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Printed Circuit Board Constraints (Application Note ESG89001).pdf
Rohde & Schwarz - Audio Analyzer UPL.pdf
Rohde & Schwarz - Correct usage of quantities, units and equations.pdf
Rohde & Schwarz - Digital Audio Broadcasting - reliable and economical.pdf
Rohde & Schwarz - Measuring Equipment - New Products (Catalog 1994-1995).pdf
Rohde & Schwarz - Radiotelephone Measurements (1286 E 40).pdf
Rohde & Schwarz - Rigs and Recipes - How to Measure and Monitor...pdf
Sound Technology - Distortion Measurement System model 1700B plus Options 003 & 004 (1976).pdf
Sound Technology - Distortion Measurement System model 1710A (1978).pdf
Sound Technology - FM Alignment Generator model 1000A (1977).pdf
Sound Technology - Frequency Converter model 110 & FM Dial Calibration Standard model 120 (1977).pdf
Sound Technology - How to Make Audio Measurements on Stereo Receivers and Amplifiers (1978).pdf
Sound Technology - Matching Transformer model 100 (1977).pdf
Sound Technology - Precision FM Transmitter model 1100A-1000A (1974).pdf
Sound Technology - Stereo Test Panel model 1200A (1978).pdf
Sound Technology - Ultra Low Distortion Oscillator model 1400A (1974).pdf
Sound Technology - Ultra-High Performance Audio Signal Generator model 1410A (1978).pdf
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Takeda-Riken - Operational Guide for TR-9305 Digital Spectrum Analyzer (Application Note 4-1E).pdf
Technics - New Methods of Amplifier Evaluation - 3DA & I-O Distortion Analysis.pdf
Tektronix - Catalogo oscilloscopi (italiano) 1968-1969.pdf
Tektronix - Television Measurements - PAL Systems.pdf
Tektronix - The Tektronix Cookbook of Standard Audio Tests (1975).pdf
Tektronix - Troubleshooting Your Oscilloscope - Getting Down to Basics (1989).pdf
Tiesseci - Codificatore RDS RDSC4000.pdf
Troubleshooting with the Oscilloscope - R.G. Middleton (1962).pdf
Unaohm - Catalogo generale 1991-1992.pdf
Wayne Kerr - Frequency Response Analyser RA200 & Display Store ADS1.pdf
Hakko - Desoldering & Repair Tools (470, 471, 802, 484, 700, 850).pdf
Hakko - Heating Machine (887).pdf
Hakko - Soldering Stations, Desoldering Stations, Soldering Tools Catalogue (1990).pdf
Hakko - Thermo Meter (191).pdf
Hozan - Soldering Tools - Catalog Vol. 13b (1990)a.pdf